海南鸡饭姜蓉酱食谱(Minced ginger sauce for Hainanese Chicken Rice)
名牌海南鸡饭店的姜蓉,让人印象深刻。吃过家婆的姜蓉,更胜出, 新鲜开胃,配搭鸡饭,美味无比。不学上,岂不浪费?
姜 1块 (约8 cm长) Ginger 1 piece (about 8 cm long)
蒜 4瓣 Garlic 4 cloves
盐1/2茶匙 Salt 1/2 tsp
麻油1茶匙 Sesame Oil 1/2 tsp
生油 4汤匙 Oil 4 tbsp
1. 姜和蒜切细切碎(一定要切,不能用捣碎,口感不同),盛碗。
Finely mince the ginger and garlic, serve on a sauce plate.
2. 1加盐,淋麻油。
Add salt and sesame oil to the minced ginger and garlic.
3. 加热生油,浇上2,蒜蓉、姜蓉滋滋响,香喷喷,拌匀,备用。
Heat up the oil in a saucepan, transfer to the sauce plate and mix well.
Finely mince the ginger and garlic, serve on a sauce plate.
2. 1加盐,淋麻油。
Add salt and sesame oil to the minced ginger and garlic.
3. 加热生油,浇上2,蒜蓉、姜蓉滋滋响,香喷喷,拌匀,备用。
Heat up the oil in a saucepan, transfer to the sauce plate and mix well.