新加坡观鸟圣地:南洋理工大学(Bird Tales in NTU, Singapore)#birdwatching


A variety of birds are buzzing around NTU campus, sparking joy with their unique voices, feather colors and every flutter of their wings. Take a stroll in the campus, nature lovers will be rewarded with memorable moments.

1. 这里有冠斑犀鸟!Oriental Pied Hornbill is spotted!



Common name: Oriental Pied Hornbill
Scientific name: Anthracoceros coronatus

Hornbills are loud visitors. Once you learn their sound, you won't forget it. Aside from the noise, it is the long, down-curved bill which is brightly colored that first catches attention. They form pair bonds. Once bonded, a pair will usually stay together for the rest of their lives. Keep an eye - and ear - out for these hornbills as they make NTU campus a regular stop, or perhaps, their home.

2. 喜欢它一身蓝——漂亮的鱼狗(白领翡翠) The gorgeous Collared Kingfisher.

学名:白领翡翠 / 半领翡翠


Common name: Collared Kingfisher / White-collared Kingfisher / Mangrove Kingfisher
Scientific name: Todirhamphus chloris

Ntu residents are lucky enough to have Collared Kingfisher in the campus. The gorgeous bird are frequently spotted perching on the Rain Trees. If you are quick enough, you may be able to capture photos of them.

3.  遇见小可爱,——黄腹花蜜鸟 Little cutie - The Olive-backed Sunbird



Common name:Olive-backed Sunbird / Yellow-bellied Sunbird
Scientific name:Cinnyris jugularis

I couldn't believe my eyes when i found this stunning cutie enjoying the fruits above a palm tree. It is Olive-backed Sunbird. Usually this small bird's flight is fast but i was able to captured the moment when things just fall into place. I was lucky!  

4. 蒙面侠客苏洛——黑枕黄鹂 Black-Naped Oriole, The Zorro



Common name: Black-Naped Oriole
Scientific name: Oriolus chinensis

The  Black-Naped Oriole is wearing a mask of Zorro to protect its identity?  It has the stripe broadening and joining at the back of the neck, making it look like wearing a broad black mask. It is a medium-sized bird with nice feather color and a strong pinkish bill.

5. 群聚的斑皇鸠  Pied Imperial Pigeon




Common name: Pied Imperial Pigeon

Scientific name: Ducula bicolor

Pied Imperial Pigeons love fruiting palms. They are relatively large, pied species of pigeons.



There are more regular visitors to the campus like Common Flameback Woodpecker, Pink-necked Green Pigeon and Red-footed Green Pigeon, but I couldn't get them to come within the shot nicely. I will be waiting for such an opportunity.


  1. 大美女,嗜好可广咧~连观鸟也是行家。佩服佩服!^^

    1. 哎呀呀,嘴巴真甜,太喜欢你!不是行家哦,兴趣很广是真的。




上汤啦啦食谱(Lala Soup Recipe)

蚝煎食谱(Fried Oyster Omelette Recipe)
