新加坡烘焙用品专卖店:Westgate新开RedMan by Phoon Huat!(Baking Ingredients Shop @ Westgate:RedMan by Phoon Huat )
太好了!大半年不出门,Westgate开了一家RedMan(Phoon Huat)烘焙用品店! 喜欢烘焙的我,不必大老远到Buona Vista采购了。兴致勃勃走进店家,逛起烘焙用品,流连在各种烘焙工具和食材的架子前……可惜,这间分店店铺范围小,顾客很多,在狭窄的走道上挑选用品,一下是其他顾客要通过,一下员工推着堆满货物的手推车要路过,好不麻烦。习惯在Buona Vista店铺悠哉闲逛的我和伴侣,不由得蹙起眉头,加速选购好所需烘焙品和食材,离开了店家。
Deltasal - Coarse sea salt 1kg/packet $2.60
Redman - Pecan nut 250g/packet $8.50
Redman - Brazil nut 250g/packet $8.40
It was extremely hot outside. We entered Westgate Shopping Mall at Jurong East wondering how many shops were forced to permanently close as the impact of Covid-19.
Suddenly, my hubby pointed to me and said, "See, your Phoon Huat store is here!" I almost shouted out. It's always an exciting experience to shop at Buona Vista Phoon Huat store. They supply a wide range of baking ingredients and tools. However, we have to travel quite a distance to reach there. Now, I’ll be able to get the baking ingredients from a closer store. I could wait no longer to shop at this newly opened store.
Contrary to the megastore at Buona Vista, Redman by Phoon Huat at Westgate has a much tighter space. I could still get the necessary bakeware and ingredients here such as baking tray, brush, sieve, mixing bowl, butter and flour, but the shopping experience was not fantastic as while we chose the products from showcase, we had to give way for customers who walked in and out, so as the storekeeper with full trolley of goods.
I had to grab the baking pan that I want, the best deal Mediterranean sea salt etc. as quickly as I could, so that my hubby would not get grumpy in such a crowded and tight space. We finally brought off our foot from the store.
If time permits, next time I would rather take a longer journey to Buona Vista store for more enjoyable shopping experience. But if I go out alone and simply need some baking ingredients, I probably will head to Westgate store.
RedMan by Phoon Huat
地址:3 Gateway Dr, #B1-23, Singapore 608532
营业时间: 10am-10pm