马卡龙太普遍了,意大利淑女之吻你尝过吗? Lady's Kisses (Baci di Dama)


用料:                                       Ingredients:

牛油(软化) 150克             150g butter, softened
细砂糖(再打细) 100克     100g superfine sugar
杏仁粉 125克                         110g ground almonds
中筋面粉 175克                     175g all-purpose flour 
黑巧克力 50克                       50g bittersweet chocolate
蛋黄 1个                                 1 egg yolk

1. 牛油加糖,用电动搅拌器打至轻盈松软,然后加入蛋黄, 杏仁粉和中筋面粉(预先过筛),搅拌至混合均匀。
Cream the butter and sugar together with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.  Beat in the egg yolk, ground almonds and flour (sieve before step 1) until evenly mixed. 
2. 收入冰箱冷藏隔夜或至少2小时,让面团坚实。
Chill overnight or at least 2 hours until the mixture is firm.
3. 取出面团,用擀面棍擀平至1.5cm厚度,平均分割成40份,用手搓圆后,摆在烤盘上铺好的烘焙纸,彼此保持间距,以免烘烤时贴在一起。
Roll the dough with rolling pin into 1.5cm thickness, divide into 40 equal portions, then roll into balls with your hands. Place the balls on the baking sheet, spacing them out to avoid spreading in the oven.
4. 预热烤箱160°C。
Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.
5. 烘烤20分钟,或至呈金黄色。
Bake the cookies for 20 minutes, or until golden.
6. 小心把曲奇移至散热架上。
Leave the cookies to cool on the cooling rack.   
7. 等候曲奇凉却时,把黑巧克力隔水融化。每两片凉却的曲奇中,夹入融化的黑巧克力。放在散热架上直至完全散热、成形,即可享用。
While waiting for the cookies to cool, melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a hot pan of hot water. Sandwich the cookies in pairs, with the melted chocolate. Leave to cool and set before serving.

小提示 Tips:
1. 这些小曲奇装入花色小蛋糕的纸中,撒上糖粉,就非常好看啦!
These cookies look extra dainty served in frilly petit four cases,  and sprinkled with icing sugar.
2. 你可在食谱中加入1/2茶匙的杏仁精以提升杏仁味。
You may enhance the almond flavor by adding 1/2 tsp of almond extract to the recipe.

本食谱更改自 "500 Italian Recipes", 页 242,  Ladies' Kisses
This recipe was adapted from the book "500 Italian Recipes", page 242,  Ladies' Kisses


  1. 不只没尝过,还没听过呢。呵呵!外表看起来很小巧可爱,很有趣呢!

    1. 呵呵,也容易做和好好吃,喜多米有空可以和孩子们一起做呢

  2. 我也要吃一口淑女之吻,呵呵。意大利人还真的是浪漫啊,是淑女下午茶点必备,要小口小口嚼着吃才像样,哈哈

    1. 哈哈哈,请慢用。也觉得是漂亮、浪漫的名字呵。




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