


马蹄 200克
雪耳 30克
红枣 8个
冰糖 30克
水 2200毫升
香兰叶 6片

200 g Chinese water chestnut 
30 g Snow fungus 
8 pcs Red dates 
30 g Rock sugar 
2200 ml Water
6 Pcs Pandan leaves 

1. 雪耳泡发,清洗干净,剪成小朵,去蒂。再次清洗,去除残留污浊。
2. 马蹄洗净,去皮,再洗一遍。
3. 红枣洗净,去核。
4. 香兰叶洗净,把5片对折,用第6片打结。
5. 锅中加入水和雪耳,煮沸腾后转小火,煮1小时至出胶汁。
6. 加入红枣和马蹄,继续以小火煮20分钟。
5. 加入冰糖,煮至溶解,加入香兰叶,继续以小火煮10分钟。

1. Soak the snow fungus, clean it thoroughly, cut it into small pieces, and discard the stems.
2. Clean the  Chinese water chestnuts, peel them, and wash again.
3. Wash the red dates, and remove the seeds. (I keep half of the total red dates with seeds because I like serving the dessert with whole dates for a better appearance.)
4.Wash the pandan leaves, fold 5 of them, and tie them into a knot using the 6th leaf.
5. In a pot, add water and the soaked snow fungus. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour until it produces a gelatinous liquid.
6. Add the red dates and Chinese water chestnuts, and continue to simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
7. Add rock sugar, cook until it dissolves, then add the pandan leaves. Continue to simmer on low heat for an additional 10 minutes.



上汤啦啦食谱(Lala Soup Recipe)

蚝煎食谱(Fried Oyster Omelette Recipe)
