Cobram Estate的特级初榨橄榄油

前我不明白,怎么西餐厅品尝到的extra virgin olive oil和balsamic vinegar味道那么好,上超市买回的却不一样,橄榄油味道太浓、芭莎米醋不香醇。直到伴侣买回Cobram Estate牌子的特级初榨橄榄油,才重新爱上了橄榄油。它细滑醇厚,带着浅浅橄榄香,味道自然,用来拌沙拉、蘸烤面包最合适。以后想买橄榄油,就锁定它了。好食材,自然想给大家介绍和分享。喜欢料理的朋友们,多半会想找到好食材吧!

听妹妹提起才知道,买橄榄油,选Cold pressed的味道就不会太浓,而First cold-pressed的,自然更好。Cold pressed

Cold pressed olive oil may retain more nutrients than olive oils treated with heat. It’s loaded with healthy fats, vitamins E and K, and several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These nutrients may promote brain and heart health, in addition to other benefits. You may stand to gain the most if you use cold pressed olive oil in place of other fats, such as lard, butter, or margarine



上汤啦啦食谱(Lala Soup Recipe)


蚝煎食谱(Fried Oyster Omelette Recipe)